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Connecting the dots

HK Recruitment has been providing an efficient, effective, and enjoyable staffing experience to job-seekers and employers since 2016. We know that a resume is important, but it’s also just a piece of paper. Our job as consultants is to understand the needs of the employers and job seekers to help bring together the perfect match in expertise, skill, and personality. Simply, we connect the dots!


We hope you have an incredible experience with HK Recruitment and hope to see many new people placed within their dream roles to bring the team fulfillment in their roles for seeing your success!

Happy Portrait
IT Consulting

Our Process



Focused, thorough understanding of your business, team, and role

Exceptional customer service to listen and recruit based on your needs

Meetings where necessary, to understand the culture of your business

Time-saving, we shortlist a specific set of candidates for permanent roles

Time-saving, we provide temporary workers quickly & effectively ensuring compliance

One point of contact with a dedicated account manager 

Placing exceptional talent within your teams



Pre-screen interviews assessing your CV

Meetings where necessary, to build relationships

Access to our website with job postings & personal profile

CV run-through and personality assessment

Dedicated HK Partner or consultant to manage your interviews

Placing you in exceptional companies

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